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Ten selected publications:


Central bank communication on social media: What, to whom, and how? (with Y. Gorodnichenko and T. Pham ), Journal of Econometrics, accepted. 


The Voice of Monetary Policy, (with Y. Gorodnichenko and T. Pham ), American Economic Review, (2023), 113(2), pp. 548-584. Highlighted in CentralBankingFT, Reuters, UBirmingham.


Social network, sentiment and political outcomes: Evidence from #Brexit and #USElections, (with Y. Gorodnichenko and T. Pham ), European Economic Review, (2021), 136, 103772. Also highlighted in more than 1,000 media sources, including The Times, The Times IINY Times, BBC, Business Insider, Business Insider IIBusiness Insider III, Business Insider IV, The Economist, The Guardian, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Reuters,, STVThe Huffington Post, Daily Mail, Daily Mail II, The SunYahoo! News UK, London Evening Standard, Globe, US NewsThe Independent.


Asset mispricing in peer-to-peer loan secondary markets (with M. Caglayan, T. Pham, and X. Xiong), Journal of Corporate Finance, (2020), 65, 101769.


Social Media Bots and Stock Markets (V. Tran and R. Fan), European Financial Management, (2020) 26 (2), pp. 753-777.


Discrimination, Social Capital, and Financial Constraints: the Case of Vietnam, (with T. Pham), World Development, (2018) 102 (C), pp.228-42.


Price Setting in Online Markets: Does IT Click?, (with Y. Gorodnichenko and V. Sheremirov), Journal of European Economic Association, (2018) 16(6), pp. 1764-1811.


Price Setting in Online Markets: Basic Facts, International Comparisons, and Cross-Border Integration, (with Y. Gorodnichenko), American Economic Review, (2017) 107(1), pp. 249-82.


Parliamentary Election Cycles and the Turkish Banking Sector, (with C. F. Baum and M. Caglayan), Journal of Banking and Finance, (2010) 34(11), pp. 2709-2719.


Entrepreneurs' Gender and Financial Constraints: Evidence from International Data, (with A. Muravyev and D. Schaefer), Journal of Comparative Economics, (2009) 37(2), pp. 270-286. (100+ citations in Scopus)


Other publications:


Returns to Solar Panels in the Housing Market: A Meta Learner Approach, (with E. Asproudis, C. Gedikli, and O. Yilmaz), Energy Economics, (2024), 137, 107768.


Automatic vs Manual Investing: Role of Past Performance, (with S. Kaawach and O. Kowalewski), Journal of Financial Stability, (2024), 74, 101319.


Political motives of excess leverage in state-owned firms, (with S. Yin and M. Zhang), International Review of Financial Analysis, (2024) 94, 103155.


Can Central Banks Be Heard Over the Sound of Gunfire?  (with G. Gao and A. Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy), Journal of Financial Research, (2023), 46(S1), pp. S183–S203.


Labor Markets during War Time: Evidence from Online Job Ads, with T. Pham and Z. Wu, Journal of Comparative Economics, (2023), 51(4), pp. 1316–1333.


Non-Standard Errors, (with A. Menkveld et al.), Journal of Finance, (2024), 79(3), pp. S183-S203). This project is part of #fincap initiative, 164 research teams independently tested the same research hypotheses. The paper has 343 authors, including 9 coordinators.


The Flood that Caused a Draught, (with A. Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy and N. Vu), Economic Inquiry, (2023), 61(4), pp. 965-981.


The Hidden Cost of Smoking: Rent Premia in the Housing Market, (with C. Gedikli, R. Hill, and O. Yilmaz), Real Estate Economics, (2023), 51(3), pp. 611-629.


Information Flows and the Law of One Price, (R. Fan and V. Tran), International Review of Financial Analysis, (2023), 85, 102466.


Social media and price discovery: the case of cross-listed firms, (with R. Fan and V. Tran), Journal of Financial Research, (2023), 46(1), pp. 151–167.


Street-level bureaucracy: best to be grey (or silver) on Friday, in Halifax, (with S. Hargreaves Heap), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, (2023) 70(1), pp.19-37.


Bank Liquidity and Exposure to Industry Shocks, (with J. Arias and A. Tsapin), Emerging Markets Review, (2022), 53, 100942.


Female Small Business Owners in China: Discouraged, not Discriminated, (with M. Caglayan and L. Xiong), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2022, 80, 101649.


Rental Market Liquidity, Seasonality, and Distance to Universities: The case of UK rental markets, (with O. Yilmaz and J. Jia), International Journal of the Economics of Business,(2022), 29(2), pp.23-29.


Online Salience and Charitable Giving: Evidence from SMS Donations, (with C. Perroni, K. Scharf and L. Vi), Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, (2022), 63, pp. 27-41.


Quality of working environment and corporate financial distress, (with  T. Pham, G. Wood, and S. Yin), Finance Research Letters, (2022), 46, 102449.


Branch network structure, authority and lending behavior, (with T. Pham and A. Tsapin), Economic Systems, (2022), 46(4), 101040.


Herding Behaviour in P2P Lending Markets, (with M. Caglayan and W. Zhang), Journal of Empirical Finance, (2021), 63, pp. 27-41.


Wage Setting and Unemployment: Evidence from Online Job Vacancy Data, (with O. Faryna, T. Pham and A. Tsapin), Journal of Comparative Economics, (2022), 50(1), pp. 52-70.


Journal rankings and publication strategy (with P. Spiewanowski), Scientometrics, (2021), 126(4), pp.3227-3242.


Tournament Incentives, Age Diversity and Firm Performance: Evidence from China (with M. Zhang and S. Yin),  Journal of Empirical Finance, (2021), 61, pp. 139-162.


Conference presentations and academic publishing, (with Y. Gorodnichenko and T. Pham), Economic Modelling, (2021), 95, pp. 228-254.


Quality of Goods and Price Setting for CPUs, (with Y. Gorodnichenko and N. Vu), Economic Modelling, (2021), 98, pp.69-85.


Shock contagion, asset quality and lending behavior (with T. Pham and A. Tsapin), Kyklos, (2021), 74(2), pp.243-269.


What does not kill us makes us stronger: The story of repetitive consumer loan applications (with M. Caglayan, L. Xiong, and J. Zhang), European Journal of Finance, 2020, pp. 1–20.


Expert Imitation in P2P Markets (with G. Gao, M. Caglayan, and Y. Li), Manchester School, (2021), 89(5), pp. 470-485.


Dollarization, pass-through, and domestic lending: Evidence from Turkish banking, (with M. Caglayan and T. Pham), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. (2021), 57(11), pp. 3190-3201.


Social media, political uncertainty, and stock markets (with V. Tran and R. Fan), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (2020) 55(3), pp.1137-1153


Multimarket competition and profitability: Evidence from Ukrainian banking, (with T. Pham and J. Yang), Oxford Economic Papers, (2020) 72(2), pp. 517–545,


CEO dismissal, compensation, and topics of board meetings: The case of China (with J. Ji and S.Yin), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (2020) 54(1), pp. 69-110.


Self-employment, financial development and well-being: Evidence from China, Russia and Ukraine, (with M. Zhang and T. Pham), Journal of Comparative Economics, (2018) 46(3), pp. 754-769.


Unsafe Sex in the City: Risk Pricing in the London Area, (with A. Muravyev), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, (2018) 65(6), pp. 528-549.


Politically Induced Board Turnover, Ownership Arrangements and Performance of SOEs (with T. Kuzman and S. Bellos), Corporate Governance: An International Review, (2018) 26(3), pp. 160-179.


The Responses of Internet Retail Prices to Aggregate Shocks: A High-Frequency Approach, (with Y. Gorodnichenko and V.  Sheremirov), Economics Letters, (2018) 164, pp.124-127.


Age diversity, directors' personal values, and bank performance, (with S. Yin and M. Zhang), International Review of Financial Analysis, (2018) 55, pp 60-79. (100+ citations in Scopus)


Time allocation and firm performance: The case of Chinese entrepreneurs, (with L. Xiong and C. Weir), International Journal of the Economics of Business, (2017), 24(1), pp. 27-51.


Can State Language Policies Distort Students' Demand for Higher Education?, (with A. Muravyev), Journal of Comparative Economics, (2016) 44(2), pp. 383-399. Online Appendix.


R&D Expenditures and the Global Diversification of Export Sales, (with C. F. Baum and M. Caglayan), Manchester School, (2016) 84(2), pp. 197-221.


Performance Effects of Appointing Other Firms' Executive Directors to Corporate Boards: an Analysis of UK Firms, (with Ch. Weir and A. Muravyev), Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (2016) 46(1), pp. 25-45.


The Effects of Future Capital Investment and R&D Expenditures on Firms' Liquidity, (with C. F. Baum and M. Caglayan), Review of International Economics,  (2013) 21(3), pp. 459-474.


Sensitivity of Prices to Demand Shocks: A Natural Experiment in the San Francisco Bay Area, (with V. Bilotkach and Y. Gorodnichenko), Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, (2012) 46(7), pp. 1137-1151.


Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Bank Lending: the Case of Ukraine, (with A. Tsapin and O. Zholud), Economic Systems, (2012) 36(2), pp. 279-293.


Main bank power, Switching Costs, and Firm Performance. Evidence from Ukraine, (with A. Stephan and A. Tsapin), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (2012)48 (2), pp. 76-93.


Social Capital and Access to Bank Financing: The Case of Chinese Entrepreneurs, (with L. Xiong and X. Xiong), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (2012) 48 (1), pp. 55-69.


The Impact of the Financial System's Structure on Firms' Financial Constraints, (with C.F. Baum and D. Schaefer),  Journal of International Money and Finance (2011) 30(4), pp. 678-691.


Entrepreneurship, Windfall Gains and Financial Constraints: The Case of Germany, (with D. Schaefer and Ch. Weir), Economic Modelling (2011) 30(4), pp. 2174-2180.


Corporate Debt Maturity Choice in Transition Financial Markets, (with A. Stephan and A. Tsapin), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, (2011), 51(2), pp. 141-151.


Influence of Family Involvement in Management and Ownership on Firm Performance: Evidence from Poland, (with O. Kowalewski and I. Stetsyuk), Family Business Review, (2010) 23(1), pp. 45-59. (100+ citations in Scopus)


Is Corporate Governance Effective in Ukraine? A Crude Test using CEO Turnover Data, (with A. Muravyev, O. Bilyk, and B. Grechaniuk), Eastern European Economics, (2010) 48(2), pp. 5-24.


On the Sensitivity of Firms' Investment to Cash Flow and Uncertainty, (with C. F. Baum and M. Caglayan), Oxford Economic Papers, (2010) 62(2), pp. 286-306.


Are Airlines' Price-Setting Strategies Different?, (with V. Bilotkach and Y. Gorodnichenko), Journal of Air Transport Management, (2010) 16(1), pp. 1-6.


On the Investment Sensitivity of Debt under Uncertainty, (with C. F. Baum and M. Caglayan), Economics Letters, (2010) 106(1), pp. 25-27.


Development under Regulation: The Way of the Ukrainian Insurance Market, (with O. Badunenko and B. Grechanyuk), IUP Journal of Managerial Economics, (2009) 7 (3-4), pp. 65-79.


Financial Constraints and Continental Business Groups: Evidence from German Konzerns, (with Y. Gorodnichenko and D. Schaefer), Research in International Business and Finance, (2009) 23(3), pp. 233-242.


The Effects of Uncertainty on the Leverage of Non-Financial Firms", (with C. F. Baum and A. Stephan), Economic Inquiry, (2009) 47(2), pp. 216-225.


Small Business Survival and Inheritance: Evidence from Germany, (with D. Schaefer), Small Business Economics, (2009) 32(1), pp. 95-109.


Effects of Foreign Presence in a Transition Economy: Regional and Industrywide Investments and Firm-Level Exports in Ukrainian Manufacturing, (with S. Lutz and S. Park), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, (2008) 44(5), pp. 82-98.


Uncertainty Determinants of Corporate Liquidity, (with C. F. Baum, M. Caglayan and A. Stephan), Economic Modelling, (2008) 25, pp. 833-849.


Political Patronage in Ukrainian Banking, (with C. F. Baum, M. Caglayan and D. Schaefer), Economics of Transition, (2008) 16(3), pp. 537-557.


Does Corporate Governance Determine Dividend Payouts in Poland?, (with O. Kowalewski and I. Stetsyuk), Post-Communist Economies, (2008) 20(2), pp. 203-218.


Uncertainty Determinants of Firm Investment, (with C. F. Baum and M. Caglayan ), Economics Letters, (2008) 98(3), pp. 282-287.


The Impact of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Non-financial Firms' Demand for Liquidity, (with C. F. Baum, M. Caglayan and N. Ozkan), Review of Financial Economics, (2006) 15 (4), pp. 289-304. (100+ citations in Scopus)


Do Ukrainian Firms Benefit from FDI (with S. Lutz), Economics of Planning, (2004) 37 (2), pp. 77-98.

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